L’offre SURGILAB de produits en ophtalmologie comprend une gamme complète de dispositifs médicaux et chirurgicaux destinés au traitement et à la gestion des affections oculaires. Parmi nos produits, vous trouverez les équipements Jett Plasma Médical de COMPEX pour les traitements de l’œil sec, les blépharites, chalazions, blépharoplastie, ectropion, entropion, xanthélasma, trichiasis, distichiasis, etc. des instruments de chirurgie en titane et en acier, pour la chirurgie du segment antérieur, chirurgie réfractive, cataracte, greffe, la chirurgie du segment postérieur de l’œil, rétine, strabisme etc., des produits consommables comme des fléchettes à usage unique stériles ou des aiguilles stériles. Notre objectif est de fournir des solutions de pointe pour répondre aux besoins variés des ophtalmologistes et de contribuer à l'amélioration de la vision et de la qualité de vie de leurs patients.
Dry eye is caused by poor tear quality or reduced tear production or a pathology that causes this situation. The manifestations are multiple: tingling, feeling of sand in the eyes, stuck eyelids, etc... In most cases, advanced age is often the cause of this situation of dry eyes, but Other factors promote dry eyes, various pathologies also affect the ocular surface causing irritation or dryness. The causes being very different from one individual to another, we must not generalize or compare one situation with another without first consulting an ophthalmologist.
Dry eye is diagnosed when the quantity and/or quality of an individual's tears is insufficient.
Tears are produced continuously by the lacrimal glands and then distributed over the entire ocular surface by blinking the eyelids. Mostly composed of water and fatty liquids, they form a thin barrier protecting the cornea. They prevent external attacks (dust, pollution, bacteria), they moisten, nourish, protect... avoiding infections and deterioration.
Dry eyes cause visual discomfort and in some cases lead to irritation and pain of the cornea but sometimes to eye infections.
Cases of dry eyes increase every year, environmental degradation, pollution, air conditioning, intensive use of screens are all aggravating factors. To date, nearly a third of the adult population in industrialized countries is affected.
Symptoms of dry eye can appear in various ways:
Stinging, itching, burning sensations, dust or foreign bodies in the eyes;
Greater discomfort in the presence of tobacco smoke or wind, photophobia, sensitivity to light.
In the morning the feeling of stuck eyelids, more difficulty opening the eyes;
An increasing need to blink;
absence of tears in situations known to trigger their secretion: during emotion, peeling onions... and on the contrary, presence of tearing in the wind, in the cold, when reading...;
The impression of a reduction in vision, blurred vision at times and a feeling of fatigue in the eyes;
Growing difficulty wearing contact lenses.
The impact on quality of life is great with a reduction in reading time, use of digital devices, computers, mobile phones, difficulty driving, etc.
The feeling of dry eyes is not always the cause of dry eyes. Sometimes this feeling is subjective and tear production is normal. For example, when your eyes are overworked or exposed to irritating vapors. It is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist in case of doubt.
The origin of dry eye is multifactorial.
The first factor of dry eyes is age,
15% of people aged over 60 suffer from dry eye. As we age, tear production decreases due to atrophy of the tear glands. In women, hormonal changes and in men androposis are factors that degrade tear production.
Pollution, dry or air-conditioned air, cigarette smoke, prolonged computer use, wind, high altitude, etc. can also dry out the eyes, especially when these factors combine.
Taking medications or toxic substances
Certain medications can reduce tears or even change their composition. For example :
sleeping pills,
hormonal treatments (hormonal contraception,
Tobacco and cannabis can dry out the eyes.
Contact lenses induce a reduction in tear production and wearing lenses is no longer possible in cases of dry eyes.
After surgical interventions, refractive laser (refractive surgery to remove glasses), cataract surgery or other eye surgery, often temporary dry eyes may appear.
These diseases cause inflammation of the eyelids or blepharitis:
Seborrheic dermatitis,
Chronic eye allergies.
Although rare, certain diseases have an impact on tear production, for example autoimmune diseases:
Goujerot-Sjögren syndrome also causes dryness of the mouth and gynecological mucous membranes,
Rheumatoid arthritis,
Crohn's disease,
Vitamin A deficiency...